Tales from Voyager – the archive

Back in 2015 before the explosion of Substack, I felt inspired to create an email newsletter for some close friends that I named "Tales from Voyager" (TFV).

What started as an ambitious project to send a weekly newsletter resulted in 4ish total emails that I sent from October 2015 to March 2016. 25-year-old me managed to build an audience of 22 close friends who subscribed, and sometimes even read + replied.

The newsletter was powered by Tinyletter which to this day is a great little free newsletter service. I felt compelled to save those emails and share them here for posterity. Content is unedited from the original (aside from fixing some links and formatting), so take that as you will.

To keep timelines on this blog in sync, I've backdated the post date for each email to the original date of publication.

If you're interested, you can browse the collection.